New NIOSH Brain Injury Warning to NFL Players

Orig Published Jan 25, 2013 | Dave Pear’s Blog

Now this is what a safety warning should look like. Larry Kaminski just received this letter and study summary from the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety*, the federal research agency that works with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the Dept. of Health and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). BTW – OSHA is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of worker safety and health legislation. This new information is a warning about the long-term effects from brain injuries that they have observed in a disproportionately higher number of football players when compared to the general population. Dementia, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) and Alzheimers are cited in their study. With concussion lawsuits literally taking over much of the media coverage on football even with the run up to Super Bowl, we wonder how many more studies and how much more money the NFL is going to keep throwing at this? Read more of the article here…  (Be sure to fill in their survey and mail it in after you’ve finished reading their summary.)

Watch this stunning video from 2009 of a doctor denying the impact of concussions…
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You can read the whole article here…